Hey Friends,

Get ready for an eye opening, and thought provoking episode on the nature of Animal Rights Activism, civil disobedience, and breaking unjust laws to shed light on a system rife with injustice. We were thrilled to sit down with Amy Soranno, Amy is an advocate for collective liberation through strategic activism. Challenging animal agriculture and the systems that exploit animals, humans and the planet.

She is perhaps best known as being one of the Excelsior4. Amy along with Nick Schafer, Roy Sasano and Geoff Regier have been charged with exposing criminal animal cruelty. By entering and taking footage inside of the Excelsior hog farm, Amy and her companions broke several laws, many of them unjust to begin with and are now facing criminal charges that could land them up to 70 years in prison!

Amy is inspiring in her commitment to live with her values and purpose aligned with her actions and activism. This is an episode that will leave you inspired, shocked, and with eyes wide open to the backwards and cruel system of mass animal agriculture. We're thankful to Amy for this look behind the curtain.

As Always, thanks for listening.


Show Notes